Anglia Ruskin Research Online (ARRO)

Maryam Imani

Associate Professor in Water Systems Engineering (Engineering; Civil engineering)

Chelmsford, Essex


  • Environmental vulnerability index: An evaluation of the water and the vegetation quality in a Brazilian Savanna and Seasonal Forest biome
  • Dynamic multi-objective optimisation using deep reinforcement learning: benchmark, algorithm and an application to identify vulnerable zones based on water quality
  • A resilience assessment framework for critical infrastructure networks' interdependencies
  • COVID-19 and organisational resilience in Brazil's water sector
  • Assessing the combined effects of urbanisation and climate change on the river water quality in an integrated urban wastewater system in the UK
  • Clustering analysis of water distribution systems: identifying critical components and community impacts
  • A New Approach to Urban Water Management: Safe and Sure
  • Surface runoff and accelerated erosion in a peri-urban wellhead area in southeastern Brazil
  • Enhanced Residential Bathroom Sustainability: Challenges and Opportunities
  • Design and operation of urban wastewater systems considering reliability, risk and resilience
  • Enhancing resilience in urban water systems for future cities
  • MOGA-ANN based optimisation of integrated urban wastewater system control strategies
  • Risk-based water quality management in an Integrated Urban Wastewater System under climate change and Urbanisation
  • Towards urban resilience through Sustainable Drainage Systems: A multi-objective optimisation problem
  • Low Impact Development practices in the context of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: A new concept, lessons learned and challenges
  • Reliable, resilient and sustainable water management: the Safe & SuRe approach
  • Improving the performance of an integrated urban wastewater system under future climate change and urbanisation scenarios
  • Barriers to sustainable urban stormwater management in developing countries: the case of Brazil
  • A Novel Machine Learning Application: Water Quality Resilience Prediction Model
  • RV-DSS: Towards a resilience and vulnerability- informed decision support system framework for interdependent infrastructure systems
  • Evaluation of Environmental Naturalness: A Case Study in the Tietê-Jacaré Hydrographic Basin, São Paulo, Brazil
  • Health monitoring: a pathway to improved sustainable drainage system maintenance

Maryam Imani's public data