Primary school pupils' responses to lessons that
combine different teaching styles
(Visual, Auditory, Reading/writing and Kinaesthetic)
according to their own personal learning styles
The study aimed to examine whether lessons that combine different teaching styles
(Visual, Auditory, Reading/writing and Kinaesthetic- VARK) assist or hinder the learning of
primary school pupils with different personal learning styles according to the pupils'
responses.These lessons were given to three classesin primary school G in Israel (two in
Year 5 and one in Year 6), a total of 75 pupils, for an entire school year. Before the
experimental lessons were implemented the pupils inthe research population completed
the VARK questionnaire (in the form of a Hebrew questionnaire) to assess their learning
styles. Mixed qualitative and quantitative methods were used to collect data concerning
the pupils' responses to these lessons with three research tools: questionnaires,
observations and interviews.
In the theoretical discourse on learning styles there is a controversy debating whether it is
necessary to adapt teaching styles to the learning styles of pupils (Wehrwein, 2007;
Carrier, 2009; Fountain & Alfred, 2009; Howles & Jeong, 2009; Naimie, et. al., 2010) or to
teach with teaching styles that are different from pupils' learning styles in order to broaden
the pupils' abilities (McCarthy, 1990; Tanner & Allen, 2004; Boella, 2010). The present
research demonstrates that as long as the lesson integrates several different learning
styles (VARK), each of them for a short duration during the lesson, pupils (even pupils
who have special needs and new immigrant pupils) gain a lot in the lesson. The Visual
element of the lesson was found to be especially meanningful in holding the pupils'
attention and improving their understanding and motivation to learn, irrespective of their
personal learning styles.
Research results showed that the combination of learning styles provided a variety that
the pupils enjoyed and helped them to feel a sense of capability to learn. It was also clear
that the elements of the lesson that did not correspond with their personal learning style
did not hinder them, but often actually assisted them, increasing motivation and improving
achievements. This was especially so for the weakerpupils. In one particular case of a
child with special needs there was evidence of dramatic improvements in academic achievements. The Kinaesthetic element, the teacher's Auditory explanations and the
Reading element caused marginal problems for pupilswho lacked these elements in their
learning style. There were no significant differences between pupils with a single-element
learning style and those with multiple-element learning styles. The Visual element was
found to be most significant for most pupils and facilitated attention, recall and a sense of
self ability. Irrespective of their learning style all the pupils felt that they were assisted by
all the elements of the lesson and although the teacher's oral explanations were seen as a
slight hindrance, the pupils reported that these explanations supported their sense of
capability and this was especially so for pupils diagnosed with a Kinaesthetic learning
style. It was also found that most of the pupils did not enjoy the Kinaesthetic work
although they completed it successfully.