posted on 2023-07-26, 16:52authored byClaudia Schneider, Deborah Holman
Claudia Schneider and Deborah Holman of the Public Policy Consultancy Group (PPCG) in the Faculty of Health and Social Care at Anglia Ruskin University were commissioned by the East of England Development Agency (EEDA) to conduct a longitudinal study of migrant workers1 in the region. The study is for three years from January 2008 and is part funded by the European Social Fund (ESF). Focusing on the perspective of migrant workers in the Eastern region (Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambs, Herts, Essex and Beds.) we were asked to study: factors that influence decisions on coming to and length of stay in the UK; barriers to full participation in the regional economy; and, barriers to social inclusion in the local community; how these change over time and whether public policy has an influential role on these decisions. For this first interim report, we have particularly focused on initial data in relation to the length of stay question for migrant workers. At this stage there is no explicit connection to a review of public policy change (although the economic climate is a feature of some of our participants’ reflections as is the consequences of EU membership). A preliminary consideration of the UK public policy context will be included in the second interim report and a final detailed examination of policy initiatives (UK, EU and countries of origin) in the context.
Anglia Ruskin University
Place of publication
Cambridge & Chelmsford, UK
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Report type
Project Report
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ARCHIVED Faculty of Health, Social Care & Education (until September 2018)