posted on 2023-08-30, 16:38authored byAlessandra C. P. Junqueira, Maria F. Laus, Sebastião de Sousa Almeida, Telma M. Braga Costa, Jennifer Todd, Viren Swami
We examined the psychometric properties of a Brazilian Portuguese translation of the Body Appreciation Scale-2 (BAS-2; Tylka & Wood-Barcalow, 2015). A sample of 990 Brazilian adults (560 women, 430 men; Mage = 31.10, SD = 8.94) completed the BAS-2 and measures of life satisfaction, self-esteem, actual-ideal weight discrepancy (women only), breast size dissatisfaction (women only), drive for muscularity (men only), and disordered eating behaviours. Exploratory factor analyses indicated that BAS-2 scores reduced to a single dimension with all 10 items in women and men. Confirmatory factor analysis supported the fit of this one-dimensional factor structure following freeing of error covariances between two pairs of items. BAS-2 scores achieved full scalar invariance across sex, and men had significantly higher BAS-2 scores than women. Internal consistency coefficients were adequate and test-retest reliability was supported up to three weeks in a subsample of 221 participants (140 women, 81 men). Evidence of construct validity was demonstrated through positive associations with indices of psychological well-being and negative associations with indices of negative body image and disordered eating behaviours. Availability of a Brazilian Portuguese translation of the BAS-2 should help to promote greater understanding of positive body image in the Brazilian context.