The construct of intuitive eating is commonly assessed using the 23-item, 4-factor Intuitive Eating Scale-2 (IES-2; Tylka & Kroon Van Diest, 2013). In this study, we assessed the psychometric properties of a novel Greek translation of the IES-2 in adults from Cyprus. In Study 1 (N = 626), an exploratory factor analysis indicated that the IES-2 should be conceptualised as consisting of six factors that showed complete invariance across women and men. Study 2 (N = 793) using exploratory structural equation modelling (ESEM) and bifactor analysis (B-ESEM) indicated that the 6-factor B-ESEM model had adequate fit and evidenced complete invariance across sex once the correlated uniqueness of negatively worded IES-2 items was accounted for. This final model evidenced adequate composite reliability, and a global G-factor evidenced adequate convergent, concurrent, and discriminant validity. In contrast, the IES-2 S-factors showed more equivocal patterns of validity, with some S-factors showing less-than-adequate associations with body image variables, self-esteem, symptoms of disordered eating, and fruit and vegetable intake. In general, these results provide satisfactory evidence of the psychometric properties of the Greek IES-2 in adults from Cyprus, but also suggest that models of IES-2 scores may vary across national or cultural contexts.