How Does Retargeting Work For Different Gen Z Mobile Users? Customer Expectations and Evaluations of Retargeting Via the Expectancy-Theory Lens
Scholars of retargeting have increasingly recognized that consumers’ choice decisions can often be affected by the stage of their decision making. The challenge for both researchers and practitioners is to understand and provide retargeting that leads to conversions by the second round of communication. Drawing on an interpretive perspective and utilizing the expectancy theory of motivation, the authors of the current study interviewed 40 Gen Z mobile phone customers across four settings (USA, Germany, Switzerland, and Kosovo) about their experiences of retargeting in the luxury fashion industry. Results show that customers share similarities in their evaluation of the first retargeting advertisement, but analysis revealed three types of customers (indifferent, seeker, and meticulous) with differing evaluations of the second retargeting ad.
- Yes
Publication title
Journal of Advertising ResearchISSN
0021-8499External DOI
Journal of Advertising ResearchFile version
- Accepted version
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- School of Management Outputs